Kamis, 07 April 2011


Understanding motivation

There are two principles that can be used to review the motivation, namely: (1)
The motivation of view as a process. Knowledge of this process will help us explain the behavior we observe and to predict other behaviors in a person, (2) We determine the character of this process by looking at the clues of his behavior. Are the clues to the trust, can be viewed and explained their role in predicting the behavior of others. According to Mc. Donald: motivation is the self-energy change (personal) a person who is marked by the emergence of feelings and reactions to achieve the goal.

Function motivation

a) Encourage the emergence of behavior or an act. Without motivation it will not arise
    something like learning behavior.
b) Motivation to function as a referral. This means that direct action to achieve the
    desired goal.
c) Motivation to function as an activator. He serves as an engine for the car. The size of
    motivation will decide sooner or later a job.

Types of motivation

Based on the understanding and analysis of motivation, motivation can be basically divided into two types (1) Intrinsic Motivation and (2) Extrinsic Motivation. Intrinsic motivation is motivation that is covered in the learning situation and meet the needs and goals of students. Motivation is also often called a pure motivation. The real motivation that arise in students' own self, for example the desire to obtain certain skills, acquire information and understanding, develop the attitude to succeed, enjoys life, aware of his contributions to the group, the desire to be accepted by others, and others. So, this motivation arises without external influence. Intrinsic motivation is motivation that live in the student and useful in studying the functional situation. In this case, praise or reward or the like are not in need by because of work or will not cause students to learn to get a compliment or gift. As Emerson said, the reward of a thing well done is to have done it. Clearly, that intrinsic motivation is real and the real motivation or motivation called the term sound.
Extrinsic motivation is motivation that is caused by factors outside the learning situation, such as the number of credit, diplomas, degrees prizes, medals conflict, and competition that is negative is Sarcasm, Ridicule, and punishment. Extrinsic motivation is still in need in school, because not all the teaching in schools attract students or in accordance with the needs of students. Besides the students often do not understand to what he learns things that are given in school. For the motivation of the lessons that need to be raised by the teachers so that students are willing and eager to learn. business that can be done by teachers is plentiful, and because it is in motivating our students will not be determine a specific formula that can be used any time by the teacher.

How to move the students' motivation

Teachers can use a way to move or arouse students' motivation to learn, is as follows:

a) Give numbers
b) Praise
c) Gifts
d) Working groups
e) Competition
f) The purpose and level of aspiration
g) Sarcasm
h) Assessment
i) Study tours and excursions
j) Film education
k) Learning by radio

Reference :
Hamalik, Oemar Prof. Dr. 2001. Proses Belajar Mengajar. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara